Invited speakers
1. Prof. Nouar TABET
(King Fahd University of. Petroleum and Minerals, Saudi Arabia):
« Oxide nanostructures and their applications »
2. Prof. Abdelkader SAIDANE
(Ecole Normale Supérieure d'Enseignement Technique, Oran, Algeria):
“Thermo-electric properties of materials and circuits”
3. Prof. Abderrahmane KADRI
(University of Oran Es Senia, Algeria):
« Built-in strain, electric field, and spin polarization effects in wide bandgap semiconductor materials and nano-devices»
4. Prof. Claude J.A. MONTY
(CNRS - laboratoire PROMES, France):
"Nanopowders prepared by Solar Physical Vapor Deposition (SPVD)"
5. Prof. Henri BAUDRAND
(Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Electronique Electrotechnique Informatique of Toulouse (ENSEEIHT), France):
"Modeling of passive and active circuits and antennas. Application to metamaterials"
5. Prof. Dennoun SAIFAOUI
University Hassan II, Ain Chock, Casablanca, Morocco:
“ Plasma technology and materials applications”